10 April, 2010

- There are more things in heaven and earth, Harper, Than are revealed in your disclosures

Submitted: 7:58am, PDT, 10 Apr.'10 CBC News

Guergis faces RCMP probe, Minister resigns from cabinet, saying past 9 months a 'very difficult time', April 9, 2010, CBC News
Tab 319

'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark', sorry I meant 'Canada'.

Anyone think it a bit strange that Helena Guergis 'resigns' from her position as Minister but is booted out of Caucus. If she in fact resigned, as opposed to being fired, you would expect that she would offer to sit outside the Con Caucus while she is investigated. She didn't, apparently, Harper booted her out. There is a deliberate symbolism here.

'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Sorry I meant to say, it is obvious, given Stephen Harper's extreme actions and his style of rule, that there is much more going on than what has been reported in the newspapers.

Ignatieff is right (morally) to insist that Harper reveal what he based his decision on. The only way it could possibly have an impact on a police investigation is if Harper learned of things that have not already appeared in the media. If so, presumably he has fully informed the RCMP already. So where's the interference.

Also, why is that no matter what happens Harper gives some excuse for not letting the people of Canada know what is really going on. Despite that all Canadians, to a man, women and child, are surely outraged, totally lacking in transparency, total obscuration and obstruction exposes Harper and the Con's to some serious speculation.

Perhaps Harper learned of actual problems in the PMO. Either Harper called in the RCMP in order to give himself an excuse to not reveal any details of the factors he considered in giving Guergis the boot. Or, there is some real issues at play here that warrant police investigation. Given Guergis's position as a Minister and Jaffer's long time and very strong connection to top level Con's, and given Harper's extreme actions and secrecy, is it that far fetched to suggest it goes right up to the top.

***Submitted: 8:19am, 10 Apr.'10 The Toronto Star
Helena Guergis resigns, now faces RCMP, Joanna Smith, Ottawa Bureau, Apr 10 2010

- There are more things in heaven and earth, Harper, Than are revealed in your disclosures

Sorry, I meant to say, it is obvious, given Stephen Harper's extreme actions and his style of rule, that there is much more going on than what has been reported in the newspapers.

Ignatieff is right (morally) to insist that Harper reveal what he based his decision on. The only way it could possibly have an impact on a police investigation is if Harper learned of things that have not already appeared in the media. If so, presumably he has fully informed the RCMP already. So where's the interference.

Why is Harper always has an excuse for not letting Canadians know what is really going on. Despite all Canadians' outrage, total lack in transparency, total obscuration and obstruction exposes Harper and the Con's to some serious speculation.

Is it that far fetched to suggest the rot goes right up to the top.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html