02 April, 2010

- 'Harper releases Documents' - Ha Ha, Ha, April Fools!

Submitted: 7:05am, PDT, 2 Apr.'10 CBC News

More Afghan detainee documents released, April 1, 2010, CBC News
Tab 45

Stephen Harper releasing these papers these is again 'too-clever-by-half'.

As it turns out, apparently these documents, as redacted, like last time, have already been released.

Anyone wonder about irrationality of Harper saying that all the documents, un-redacted, can not be released to Parliament because of security considerations. Vis.: the only reason Harper, MacKay and other Con's have access to the un-redacted papers, and in toto, is because they are Members of Parliament. Why is it that Harper and the Con's are the only people elected to Parliament that can be trusted to keep Canada's security sensitive information secret and no one else in Parliament can.

Oh, yah, I forgot, because if the truth be know, Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and/or other Con's in the government may be put into a very embarrassing position and required to answer some very tough questions the answers to which may very well put their actions into question, their hold on power into jeopardy or worse, cause investigations by the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

And, if the truth be know, I think that every Canadian to a man, woman and child would join ranks and stand strongly behind our troops and demand those that are really to blame take responsibility. It is shameful and outrageous for Harper to suggest that revealing the documents is somehow against our troops. This is simply trying to use our men and women in uniform as a shield to duck taking responsibility. Anybody notice how with Harper and the Con's it is always someone else that is to blame, Harper never takes the high road and take responsibility.

"'The practice of this House, and in other jurisdictions, has always been to acknowledge that some information ought not to be disclosed for considerations of public policy or national security,' Nicholson said in the House of Commons."
(CBC 1 Apr.'10)

Wrong answer, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson.

The practice in free, open and democratic societies is to bring wrong doing to light and hold those responsible accountable.

This is one of the fundamental duties the people entrust to their Parliament (or, other body elected by the people to represent them in governing the country).

To oppose Parliament is to oppose the Will of the people, to favour a small group to the exclusion of the majority, to declare yourself as the paramount power with no accountability to the people, in other words a de facto dictatorship.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html