23 March, 2010

- ' Stimulus Had Little Impact' - Thanks, Harper and all You Con's

Posted: 3/23/2010 2:14:18 PM The Globe and Mail

Stimulus had little impact: Fraser Institute, The Canadian Press, Mar. 23, 2010
Tab 15

So, we have this huge deficit that our children and our children's children will be saddled with for years to come and precious little to show for it. Thanks, Stephen Harper. Thanks, all you Con's.

All those billion should have had an effect by now. After all that was the purpose. Ignatieff and the Liberals spent considerable time criticizing Harper and the Con's for taking so long and for the types of spending, this simply shows why. The real problem is how Harper and the Con's have been implementing the stimulus package. Clearly their only concern has been to favouring Con supporters at the expense of everyone else in Canada and taking credit for it as if it were their own funds.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html