12 March, 2010

- Harper is Dithering on Canada

Submitted: 8:10am, PST, 12 Mar.'10 CBC News
Dithering on deficits not an option: Harper, Fred Chartrand, 11 Mar.'10
Tab 82

A recent Ekos poll found that those who felt the Budget left them better off tended to be Conservative supporters. Those who felt they would be worse off NDP supporters, people in BC and Ontario between the ages of 45 and 64 and University educated. The vast majority didn't think it would affect them. (CBC "Public indifferent on budget impact: poll")

Die-hard Con supporters would support anything that Harper and the Cons did and so that it is not surprising that they would say they felt they would be better off. The surprising thing is that is that it was only 12% of those aware of the budget. Die-hard supporters make up about 33% and this is normally reflected in any Polls and in fact explain the numbers in favour of Harper and the Cons. That only 12% like the Budget to me indicates it was one very bad, do nothing budget. Considering Harper's excuse for Proroguing Parliament was to re-calibrate and prepare the Budget one can only wonder what's going on. (oh, yah, duhhh, Afghan Detaineee Transfer Scandal and ensuing cover-up).

Do nothing that is pro-active and positive, and reduce spending - sounds like when the president and board of directors of a company are unwinding the company.

Do you suppose that Harper is taking steps to dismantle Federalism? Just because Harper has dedicated his public life to tearing Canada asunder doesn't mean this budget goes towards actually carrying this out - well actually it very likely does.

Ignatieff is right (morally that is) the last few years have been a unique and important opportunity for the Canadian government to take action, be pro-active, on many fronts both inside Canada and Internationally. Harper has been and is dithering Federalism away, as planned.

Oh, sorry, Harper did crank up Canada's involvement in Afghanistan to active combat - and gave us the Detainee Transfer Scandal, and cover-up. He did reduce the GST by 2 %'s and gave us a systemic deficit of at least 12 billion. He did give us Canada's Action Plan - oh, my mistake, he gave the Con's and the Con supporters Canada's Action Plan. Harper did take credit for Canada's banking system, despite having nothing to do with it. Harper did suggest that he single handedly saved Haiti. Harper did suggest that he single handedly was responsible for all the medals Canada won at the Olympics. And, Harper will take credit for Canada getting out of recession, despite his do-nothing approach.

These things, of course, occurred without Harper. The Canadian economy will pick up without Harper. The world will get out of recession without Harper. But, Canada as a nation with degenerate with Harper and Canada as a nation will not reach our potential with Harper.

We must consider the impact of all the Harper Policies on our Nation and the Legacy we leave to our children and our children's children to prevent Harper from tearing asunder what has been built thru the blood sweat and tears of our forefathers, maintain what we have achieved in the past, and perhaps improve on it, if possible, and leave our children with the appreciation of us having lived here and not a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html