11 March, 2010

- Harper and the Con's Hypocrites, You Say

No Posts Allowed: Toronto Star
Former Harper aide says Jaffer should apologize, Andrew Wallace, 10 Mar.'10

"Judges rarely overrule sentence recommendations in plea bargains, and certainly cannot reverse decisions made on charges that are never brought before them, Toews notes"
It seems to me that the charges were in front of the Judge in this case, in which case he would have to agree to having them 'dropped', wouldn't he - Law Professor Stuart seems to think so.

"Queen’s law professor Donald Stuart said when serious criminal charges like these were withdrawn then a detailed explanation should have been given in the courtroom . . ."
That's what I though, perhaps Toews could enlighten us why it is otherwise.

Vic Toews, hyper-partizan whose M.O. consists, apparently, of mud slinging with little concern for what is actually true compared to a law professor, you decide.

"[Toews] goes on to launch a bitter, personal attack on a Winnipeg Free Press reporter." - case in point. And, how about the Cotler 10%-er.

“I think there is a lot of hypocrisy going on in the federal government,” Stuart said.
Looks that way to me, what does the rest of Canada think.

"Since Jaffer is a public figure, a better explanation of what happened is probably a good idea, Bentley admitted."
You got that right. Given the public status of Jaffer one might think they would do it just to cover their backsides.

"'I don’t think that it’s any of my business,' said Conservative Sen. Mike Duffy."
Wrong, it's everyone's business. Also, Duffy's reporter instincts seem to have waned somewhat.

One would think that Jaffer would want the details released in order to try to put it all to rest otherwise this will likely haunt him in any future public life activity. For politicians the taint of guilt in the minds of the people is sufficient.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html