08 March, 2010

- Stephen Harper - Do the Right (morally, that is) Thing - Call a Full Public Inquiry

Submitted: 8:26am PST, 8 Mar.'10 CTV

Full public inquiry needed on detainees: Ignatieff, The Canadian Press, Mar. 8, 2010

In light of the statements by University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran that:

"If these documents were released [in full], what they will show is that Canada partnered deliberately with the torturers in Afghanistan for the interrogation of detainees . . . There would be a question of rendition and a question of war crimes on the part of certain Canadian officials. . . . "
(CBC, News, 5 Mar.'10)

Parliament must demand and obtain all the documents relating to the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing cover-up in full and pristine order and immediately. This shocking development shows the importance of this.

Given the statements by Prof. Attaran, the possibility that the original documents have been tampered with (or, might I phrase it 're-calibrated and redacted') is now something that must be considered. This I think is something that really only a full investigation and review by a judge and experienced counsel with the full subpoena powers (and other) of a Judicial Inquiry can get to the bottom of.

I have the greatest respect for Mr. Justice Iacobucci and any current or former judge on the Supreme Court of Canada.

But, why in the world Mr. Justice Iacobucci would want to get mixed up in this sorted affair is beyond my understanding.

Just as important, and especially with what University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran has just come out with, it is now clear this can only be a delaying tactic by Harper and the Con's. By agreeing to take on the review, Mr. Justice Iacobucci, with all due respect, is dragging himself into this???

Suppose Iacobucci makes not mention of the documents referred to by Prof. Attaran. Does that mean Attaran is lying, the documents have been destroyed? Harper is justified in hiding them?

We should all demand the truth to this matter and nothing short of a full public Judicial Inquiry can do this.

Paul Martin stood tall, took the high ground, did the right thing (morally right that is) and ordered a full public Judicial Inquiry into the Sponsorship Scandal, despite the obviously predictable negative political impact on himself and the Liberal Party. Martin and The Liberal Party paid the price. Canada is paying the price too, it allowed Harper power in the first place.

Stephen Harper and the Con's keep suggesting that it was the previous Liberal government's policies that are at fault and they changed them. However, once again the Liberals are demanding the the right thing (morally right that is) be done, despite the possibility that they will be found at fault as well.

Stephen Harper, show some moral fiber, do the right (morally) thing, stand up, face the nation and call a full public Judicial Inquiry. Abandon your obscurations, obstructions and delaying tactics. Canadians do not deserve this simply because they let you into power.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html