19 March, 2010

- Harper Un-nerved and Rightfully So

Submitted: 7:25am, PST, 19 Mar.'10 National Post

John Ivison: Stephen Harper's mojo is missing
Posted: March 18, 2010, 11:00 PM by NP Editor

It seems Stephen Harper and the Con's are becoming un-nerved over the contempt of Parliament for not abiding by the House of Commons Order to release the documents relating to the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up - and rightfully so.

After seeing the Budget it has become clear to all Canadians that Harper Proroguing Parliament was a blatant and outrageous abuse of the powers residing in the office of Prime Minister and done only to try to avoid having to take responsibility for the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up. Now Harper is trying to shirk blame off onto our men and women in uniform.

It seems to me that anyone who strongly supports the military would demand an Inquiry in order to place the blame where it ought to lie.

It is not the Civil service. It is not our men and women in uniform. It is not the foreign service. And it is not anyone else. It is Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and all the Con government that are in question.

Stephen Harper, show some moral fiber, do the right (morally) thing, stand up, face the nation and call a full public Judicial Inquiry. Abandon your obscurations, obstructions and delaying tactics.

Paul Martin stood tall, took the high ground, did the right thing (morally right that is) and ordered a full public Judicial Inquiry into the Sponsorship Scandal, despite the obviously predictable negative political impact on himself and the Liberal Party. Martin and The Liberal Party paid the price. Canada is paying the price too, it allowed Harper power in the first place.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html