04 April, 2010

- Harper, MacKay and the Con's playing soldier - Continued

Submitted: 9:15am, 4 Apr.'10 CBC News
Afghan security blocked Canadian detainee access, CBC News, 1 Apr.'10
Tab 53

fcatherine wrote:Posted 2010/04/03:

"wlloydm: My fellow poster , if you have to ask why the Prime Minister of Canada will not , cannot, release Canada's National Top State Secrets, you obviously have no clue that the Constitution of Canada of 1867, amendments of 1982, Constitutional Convention, stipulates the Prime Minister of Canada Head of Government, Chairman of the Executive (Cabinet), has the full responsibility for the Security of Canada . . ."

Perhaps fcatherine you could give an actual citation for what you allege.

In fact a search on the word "security" in the Constitution Act, 1867" gives no results. A search of the Constitution Act, 1982, gives one result, s.7, Charter, of course.

The fact of the matter is that Harper and the other Con's are in the position of PM, Cabinet and running this country because they were elected as MP's, the same as all the other PM's. And therefor, inherently no more trustworthy, no to suggest Harper is trustworthy at all, than any other Parliamentarian. If you are referring to the "Oath of Office" clearly any other MP could take a solemn oath to uphold the security of Canada as say has the leader of the Official Opposition.

There is not doubt whatsoever that Parliament is Paramount.

Clearly, Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and/or other Con's in the government are refusing to disclose the documents on the Afghan Detainee transfers to save their own skins, political and otherwise.

What is worse, Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, et al, put our good men and women in uniform in potential harms way so they could, in a word, 'play soldier'. These are the results of Harper's deliberate policy of vicious personal attacks on all those that tried to get at the truth. Now 'the chickens are coming home to roost'.

Again, Harper and the Con's are doing everything to try to prevent the light of openness and truth from being shone on these dark areas. The worst, is Harper trying to shirk responsibility by suggesting that it is our troops that will have to answer. In reality there is little doubt that it is Harper and the Con's that will be help accountable.

That fellow posters is what this is really all about.

Lloyd MacIlquham