07 April, 2010

- Harper and the NDS Kindred Spirits, What's This World Coming to !

Submitted: 7:24am, PDT, 7 Apr.'10 CBC News
Tories alerted to Afghan secret police legal 'risk', Document warned government about directorate's scope for 'improper methods', Gil Shochat, CBC News, April 6, 2010
Tab 77

"The document warns that the directorate, or NDS, is so secretive, even Canada and its allies are in the dark about much of what it does."

Wow, if you replace 'NDS' with 'Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and the Con's' and ' Canada and its allies' with just 'Canadians' what do you get - the Harper administration to a 'T'.

Seems that the NDS and Harper and the Con's are kindred spirits. This memo makes it clear that Harper, MacKay and the Con's had to be aware of this problem and for quite some time since it is not likely the memo materialized the same day a problem arose. Not only did they not do any thing about it, but they covered it up, touted the new agreement as the solution to the abuse of the Afghan Detainee transferees and kept the problem secret from Parliament and the Canadian people. One can only wonder why Harper and MacKay would take such a course. Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye, at least yet anyway.

Wouldn't it be funny if after putting the highly touted new agreement on detainee transfers in place Harper, MacKay or whomever, sent out the signal that the NDS simply not follow it and keep everyone in the dark. That way Harper wouldn't have to turn a blind eye and if the proverbial [censored] hit the fan, Harper would simply blame them. No, that couldn't be possible, could it. After all, what evidence might there be.

Well for one thing, this memo makes it clear that Harper, MacKay and the Con's had to have been aware of this problem and they must have been aware of it for quite some time since it is not likely the memo materialized the same day a problem arose. Further, not only did they not do any thing about it, which given all the circumstances they certainly were in a position to so do, but they covered it up, touted the new agreement as the solution to the abuse of the Afghan Detainee transferees and kept the problem secret from Parliament and the Canadian people.

So doing, they put our true men and women in uniform in harm's way by exposing them to possible allegations of war crimes and other violations of not only International laws but Canadian laws as well which attract criminal prosecution at the International Criminal Courts at the Hague.

There is little doubt that the Canadian people will close ranks and stand behind our soldiers so that they have little fear of such prosecution. However, I am unable to suggest the same for Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and/or any Con that might be responsible.

And that is what the demand of the Afghan Detainee documents, in toto and un-redacted, is really all about - removing the secrecy, shining the light of truth into this dark corner of the Harper administration and holding those truly responsible accountable.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html