13 April, 2010

- "Out, damn'd Harper! out, I say!"

Posted: 4/13/2010 10:05:10 AM The Globe and Mail

Tories mum on Guergis allegations, Gloria Galloway, April 12, 2010
Tab 50

Stephen Harper and the Con's run the Canadian government as if it were theirs, as if they were not answerable to Parliament, as if they were not answerable to the people of Canada.

When you think of it, it is outrageous that Harper would keep these 'third party' allegations secret. Even if Guergis is cleared by the RCMP and the Ethics Commissioner, still it was serious enough for him to remove her from the Con Caucus and call in these investigative bodies.

In fact, if anyone is taking notice of the symbolism, clearly Harper has gone to extremes (perhaps expected from an extremist) to disassociate Guergis to the extent of having her "banished to a corner of the House that is furthest from Mr. Harper". I can not recall any Prime Minister going to such lengths. This is not normal.

If Harper called the RCMP simply to have an excuse to not disclose what was going on, then that could amount to a serious abuse of power by Harper. If these allegations are serious then, again, there could have been a serious abuse of power and given Harper reaction it may very well go right to the heart of his administration, the PMO office.

Or, given John Baird's track record, I can place little confidence in Baird's denial of having anything to do with it. Anita Neville has made the very astute connection between Baird and Jaffer, in two ways. Jaffer was allegedly touting in the infamous 10 Sep.'10 meeting his ability to get Green Fund loans, which apparently Baird has Ministership over and they met on 3 September. Circumstantial, yes. Compelling, again, yes.

After all, how likely would it be for Jaffer to tell these men of questionable repute he could produce without being quite sure he could.

Baird is a vital part of Harper regime, if he falls it would have serious repercussions, especially in Ontario. This could explain Harper's extreme measures.

When are Canadians going to stand up and say "Out, damn'd Harper! out, I say!"

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html