09 February, 2010

- Mr. Harper, Tear Down Your Propaganda Machine

Posted to The Globe and Mail - 2/9/2010 12:48:07 PM
Tories' hard line on criticism of Israel
could spark backlash, MP says, Campbell Clark, 9 Feb.'10
Tab 19

Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in
recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and
secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians on an emotional, fogged level, with a total disregard for the truth.

Harper and the Con's do and say everything for political gain only. Truth, integrity, decency, fairness have no place with them . They are only concerned with grabbing onto power and maintaining it, at any cost, without a care for Canada.

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues. Their attitude to Science and Scientific research are in the dank ages and Crime reminiscent of the irrationality surrounding witch-hunts and the Inquisition.

Jason Kenny saying that Canada had '“defunded organizations, most recently like Kairos, who are taking a leadership role” in boycott campaigns against Israel' is just one example.

The fact that they backtracked does not mean that what Kenny said was a 'slip-up'.

Allegations made by Harper and the Con's to a particular group then later spinning it away to Canadians as a whole are no accident. What's the point of have the greatest propaganda machine in recent history if you don't use it.

They are a deliberate and well thought out strategies to hide their true nature to Canadians but to show particular groups that they haven't lost their true right wing extremism.

For another example, look at the speech by Jim Prentice in Calgary recently where he slammed Quebec for its action on the Global Warming front. Also, there is the well know speech by Harper a while ago to the Party faithful, that was 'leaked'. These are no accidents.

The anti-semitism insinuations of the 10%'er against one of Canada most long standing and respected Parliamentarians, Irwin Cotler, resulting in Parliament's Speaker of the House of Commons ruling that it "constitutes interference with his ability to perform his parliamentary functions in that its content is damaging to his reputation and credibility" is, of course, another example.

After being chastised by the Speaker, did Harper and the Con's do the decent thing and apologies. No, they tried to say that what they said was true and the other Parties do it. 'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive'.

Instead of bald accusations and defamations perhaps the Con's could approach the Canadian people with some honesty, openness and integrity for a change.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html