07 February, 2010

- Harper, How about Some Honesty

Submitted : 8:14am, PST, 7 Feb.'10, CBC
G7 Iqaluit meeting ends, CBC, 6 Feb.'10
Tab 42

How about some honesty from Flaherty, Harper and the Con's. Everyone knows that Harper and the Con's do everything for the political optics only and without regard to the best interest of Canada. This is no different.

"Flaherty has said that the robust Canadian banking system does not need the fixes proposed by other countries."

Thanks to the previous Liberal government and Jean Chrétien - funny that Flaherty didn't give credit where credit was due.

Another factor, as "A Child of the Canadian Shield" pointed out, Harper, Flaherty and the Con's simply did not have enough time to dismantle Federal Regulations of Banking and abdicate to the Provinces - so when they do this for things like taxes, transfer payments, child care, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and the environment, keep this in mind. But, just give them some more time!

Why no discussion on the real problems facing Western countries right now like potential defaulting on debt payments by Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, and the risk these financial problems will cause runs on the markets like last year and a new one, increases interest rates due to increased cost of borrowing on the International markets.

There is a significant chance of a second wave to the recession, one that Canada will simply not be able to avoid. And, like the first one, Harper, Flaherty and the Con's will deny any problem and tout "steady as she goes" until forced to action by the Opposition.

The problem is that Harper and the Con's polices have stripped Canada of its defenses and left us totally exposed to this. A prime indicator is their current Con that "Canada will grow out of deficit" - i.e. Harper do nothing, wrap everything in hype, when it all collapses go back to Alberta.

The only things that is holding us together is our banking system, which fortunately they haven't yet destroyed.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html