24 January, 2010

- What heroes these Harper Con's Be!

In response to the following article:
Across Canada, protests urge reopening Parliament, Susan Delacourt and Bruce Campion-Smith, 23 Jan. '10

Harper in his defence of Prorogation stated "We are unfortunately at the same time dealing with life-and-death issues as we here in this terrible Haiti tragedy,”

First, this is a clear attempt by Harper to make Canada's response to the Haiti disaster political. Soon he will be putting massages on the sides of the Go trains in and out of Toronto (like he's never done anything like that before) saying "What Heroes are These Harper Con's".

The fact is that Harper and the Con's are doing no more, if that, than any government of the day would do for Haiti, even with Parliament sitting. In fact Ignatieff, rightly so, pointed out that the Haiti disaster is one reason for Parliament sitting. It is outrageous that Harper and the Con's would deliberately cut off 2/3 of Canadians having a say in how and to what extent our country helps Haiti. This is especially for Quebec, where Harper has explicitly disenfranchised 38% of the people - all those voting Block. This is even more outrageous since the ties between the people of Quebec and Haiti are so very close.

Also, there is a serious issue of rationality here. Harper Prorogued Parliament on 30 December, a full 13 days before the earthquake struck Haiti. I know Harper and the Con's do not believe in the laws of physics, cause-and-effect, or science generally, as manifested by appointing people like Stockwell Day, Vic Toews and Gary Goodyear to run this country as well as an overall lack of support for education and research (except Harper's contribution to solving Global Warm - research into sequestering the Oil Sands) and do not want to encourage or promote rational thought amongst the population, but come on.

'What fools we Canadians be' ??? - Who is that stupid to as to accept this as an explanation.

Perhaps, Harper knew in advance through divine inspiration (ok, sorry , I know that is being sarcastic, I stand corrected - I should have said perhaps Stockwell Day . . ., who then promptly reported back to Harper). Then he ought to have warned everyone.

This is the same logic Harper and the Con's used with the GST reduction and the recession. A year before the recession they reduced the GST, against the advise of just about every reasonable economist in Canada, by two points, then spent the next year saying how much that stimulated the economy and denying any kind of economic downturn or problems until he was forced to in the last stages of the '08 election. Since then he and his Con's have been going around saying just how great they were for preparing our economy for the recession by reducing the GST two points. They, of course, totally ignore the fact that they have brought Canada into systemic deficits, not the least of which cause was the reduction in GST.

“We now have to turn our mind to the broader agenda, to some of the economic challenges, including deficit reduction, ahead of us,” he said. Here's a suggestion, if trying to reduce the deficit is so difficult and time consuming, then get some help. Include those Canadians that didn't vote for you and whose money you have spent on the ones that did - i.e. consult with the Opposition Parties, Un-Prorogue Parliament (if that's a word), that is what democracy is all about.

Harper said 'opposition party members – who took part in the Saturday rallies – should be focused on making “constructive proposals.'

Unbelievable, Harper Progogues Parliament exactly to prevent the Opposition Parties from having a say, not just with regard to the Afghan Detainee transfer, but also to the Budget. Perhaps Harper might explain to what extent he has approached the Opposition for "constructive proposals".

We are unfortunately at the same time dealing with life-and-death issues as we here in this terrible Haiti tragedy,” he said at a news conference in Ottawa to announce more federal funding for the earthquake relief effort.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Submitted: 1/24/2010 1:49:41 PM & continued 1/24/2010 1:55:57 PM
Thousands protest prorogued Parliament , Ciara Byrne, 24 Jan. '10http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/prorogation/protesters-denounce-prorogued-parliament/article1441809/ Tab 222

submitted: Submitted: CTV - 11:28PST, 24 Jan.'10 & continued Submitted: 11:25am, PST, 24 Jan.'10
Opposition keeps heat on during parliamentary freeze, CTV.ca News Staff, 24 Jan. 2010