22 January, 2010

- Harper's Extreme Right Wing Agenda

posted 8:00am, PST, 22 Jan.'10
Ottawa warns provinces will be cutting back, too, 22 Jan.'10
Tab 26

"Mr. Harper said yesterday Ottawa doesn't plan significant cuts to transfers "

How many times has Harper promised one thing to gain and clutch onto power only to do the exact opposite once he has the opportunity to us it. The very fact that he would mention it means its on the radar.

"The squeeze at both levels of government will come to a head in 2013 when Ottawa must renegotiate a new health transfer accord with the provinces, which face soaring medical care costs."

Reducing health care payments is a reduction in transfer payments. It also falls in line with the basic objective of Harper and all the extreme right wing to eliminate Canada's health care system and abandon the field to the Provinces to implement privatized health care.

Harper's agenda is to dismantle Canada as a coherent nation abandoning its responsibilities leaving the Provinces to fill the void. Hand-in-hand with this is deserting the tax field and leaving it to the Provinces.

Anyone who is not convinced that this is a very deliberate and well thought out agenda might look back over Harper's public life and what he has professed, not the least of which is the Firewall Letter.

Harper's base is in Alberta. They make up the die-hardest of his supporters, and perhaps the source of the lion's share of the Con's funding. Harper, from the start has done everything to increase Alberta' autonomy and protect its oil industry, and Canada be [censored - see above] - this is nowhere more apparent than Harper's policies on Global Warming. Natural Resources Department assessment indicates that the projected increase to economic growth from the oil industry is $885 billion between 2000 and 2020, including growth of $634 billion in Alberta. Just imagine how much the benefit would remain in Alberta if there were no Federal taxes. Then there is the transfer payments, which would be hugely increased, that would be done away with. You do the math.


If anyone wants to get more details on right wing ideology behind Harper's economic strategy check out the following coven of extreme right wing ideologues:

Fraser Institute - Mike Harris and Preston Manning

A Canada Strong and Free, Date Published: April 1, 2005

If these names sound familiar but you can't quite place them.

Mike Harris, extreme right wing conservative who as Primeir, along with Flaherty, Baird, Clement, Van Loan, as Ministers destroyed Ontario both on a social and on an economic level in the '90's and early 2000's

Preston Manning that is the right wing extremist that started, and was leader of, the Reform Party, mentor to Stephen Harper, co-author of numerous right wing papers

" Harris and Manning propose eliminating the federal role in health care management and financing ..."

Sounds like elimination of Canada's health care system and replacing it by private providers could he.

"smaller governments . . . the size of government itself is constrained and the functions of government are decentralized and localized as much as possible. "

Sounds like dismantling the Federal Government, abdicating Federal responsibility, abandoning its presence in governing our great nation in favour of separate Provinces.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html