05 February, 2010

- Con'd again by Harper

submitted: 5:32pm, PST, 5 Feb.'10
'Buy American' deal exempts Canadian firms, 'Too little, too late,' say Liberals,February 5, 2010

"Because Mr. Obama cannot rely on Congress to pass legislation exempting Canada from Buy American provisions, the complicated deal will rely on the President using his executive power to treat sectors of the Canadian economy as American, by claiming supply chains are so integrated they cannot be separated." ( National Post, 28 Jan.'10)

This sounds a lot like GW Bush's treating oil as part of the American reserves.

Anyone get the idea that Harper has 'negotiated away' a significant part of Canadian sovereignty.

Also, the 'Agreement' seems on a par with the 'Agreement' Harper so loudly touted regarding the softwood lumber issue - exceedingly in favour of the Americans.

Everyone knows that Harper does everything for the political optics only and without regard to the best interest of Canada. These 'agreements' are no exception. Anyone can 'negotiate' a deal if they make it so one sided in favour of the other side. Harper is literally selling out Canadian sovereignty for his own self-serving interests.

Van Loan today went out of his way to avoid the question about whether this Agreement is too little too late for Canadians to benefit from the US Stimulus Package ending on 17 Feb.'10, and instead went into some vague and nebulous 'future benefits'.

One need only look at Harper's connections with the US, especially the Conservative elements, to see what he is doing - selling off Canada to the US, to the benefit of his US friends. Perhaps he wants to be Governor of Alberta when Canada falls apart and Alberta joins the US.

Everyone agrees that any benefit to Canadians out of work is something that must be considered.

But, for God's sake lets get someone in office that has not spent the major part of his public life dedicated to tearing asunder Canadian Federalism. We will then at least have a chance at a better deal.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

The Globe and Mail
posted: 2/6/2010 11:52:15 AM
Ottawa hails Buy American deal, Jane Taber, Friday, February 5

The Globe and Mail
posted: 2/5/2010 8:48:02 PM
'Too little, too late' on trade: Ignatieff,
Jane Taber, Friday, February 5, 2010 1:28 PM

Submitted: 11:33am,PST, 5 Feb.'10, but not posted???
U.S., Canada make it official on Buy American, CTV.ca News Staff, Feb. 5 2010 http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20100204/buy_american_100205/20100205?hub=Canada#commentSection

Toronto Star
We have secured access to U.S. market, PM says,Les Whittington, Friday, February 6