25 January, 2010

- Harper Strikes Another Blow for Freedom - from Afghanistan Detainee Transfer Scandal, that is

Submitted: 6:22pm PST, 25 Jan.'10
Colvin fears retaliation for torture testimony, January 25, 2010

This last in a long series of steps taken by Harper and the Con's to stifle the truth is outrageous.

It should not only offend the integrity and sense of justice of every person in Canadian but an embarrassment in front of all other countries that live by the Rule of Law - that's right including even that core of Harper supporters that seems to be the only reason Harper and the Cons are running this fair nation of ours.

Given the importance to getting at the truth and the likely cogency of the evidence, based Mr. Colvin's testimony so far, it seems this would be a candidate for Pro Bono work by a lawyer or a team of lawyers. I would be surprised if there weren't some qualified lawyer(s) out there that would be willing to so do.

Oh, by the way, did I mention, I'm a lawyer.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html