02 December, 2009

- Con'd Again By Harper and his China Economic Update

Unconventional rollout for budget report shows chutzpah, John Ibbitson , December 2, 2009
John Ibbitson
Tab 4

Harper says his schedule didn't allow him to release the economic update in December in Canada as so he is doing it in China, of all places.

Given China's economy is the strongest (albeit not the largest, yet) in the World right now and give that they are well out of any recession why do we have to have our Prime Minster go to China to air our problems, surely drawing attention to it can only have a negative impact on the image of Canada on the Chinese.

We should be putting our best foot forward. But then if that was our strategy we wouldn't be having Harper go there.

Yet Harper will be returning to Ottawa on 9 Dec.'09 and given that the announcement can only be max one hour with questions, why is it he is too busy.

We're being Con'd.

Harper was quite able to leave the UN to appear at a local Tim Horton's but he doesn't have the respect for Canadians to "tell us to our faces" what he has to say. Further Flaherty was schedule to give the update Wednesday afternoon.

Clearly there can only one reason for Harper making the announcement 10,000 kl (or so)from Canada - what he has to say is Bunk, he knows it, the Opposition knows it and anyone in Canada who is paying attention should know it, and he does not want to have to face the Opposition. He is hoping that it will all blow over by the time he returns.

We saw this the other day when he personally insulted the Opposition while in Trinidad when Harper accused Ignatieff, the Liberals, the NDP, the Block and anyone that would dare stand up to him on this, of "throwing the most serious of allegations at our men and women in uniform based on the most flimsy of evidence".

Given the slanderous and deceitful nature of his comments I am not all surprise that Harper would make them while outside Canada, instead of to Ignatieff and all the Opposition faces.

Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada and he has a duty to conduct the affairs of the nation while in Canada where he can be brought to the test and made to account for what he does.

Harper waiting until he is out of the country to make import announcements for the nation; MacKay hiding behind Parliamentary privilege - these are the guys running our country.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html