30 November, 2009

- The GST was the wrong tax to cut, as almost every qualified economist in the country has underscored.

Reply to: Mary Ewen

Even Harper's advisor at the time, Ian Brodie, has admitted as much. “Despite economic evidence to the contrary, in my view the GST cut worked … It worked in the sense that it helped us to win.”;

I find it veryu difficult to believe that there are very many serous minded Canadians whho voted for Harper because of his promise to reduce the GST. Harper received approx 376% of the vote. His core support is approx 33 - 35% od f people who would vote for Harper no matter what his platform is. Approx. 66% of voters voted against Harper.

The greatest and longest lasting damage of the sponsorship scandle was giving Harper and his Con's a foothold on our government. It is something that we, our children and their children will be paying for for many years to come.

Reducing the GST by 2% is generally considered, from what I can see, read and experience, as being essentially useless in stimulating the Canadian economy and removes from the Federal coffers $12 billion a year in revenues. It was, manifestly, introduced by Harper and the Con’s for its optics.

The greatest and longest lasting damage of the sponsorship scandal was giving Harper and his Con's a foothold on our government. It is something that we, our children and their children will be paying for for many years to come.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html