27 November, 2009

- Harper and the Cons' Tangled Web of Deceipt

Tories will challenge Ignatieff on HST, John Ibbitson, Nov. 27, 2009
Tab 44

Wow, a prime example of "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, 1808).

If I recall, I thought Harper said everything would be a Non-Confidence vote. The interesting thing is that he is explicitly stating it isn't. Given the financial impact I am not so sure.

So, the question is why is he doing this.

It can only be that he knows it represents a tax increase and despite trying to hang it on the provincial governments of BC and Ontario it is likely very few people are deceived by him on this. Harper has already given Flaherty instructions not to discuss the HST. So, basically Harper realizing his mistake in bringing on the HST is trying to blame Ignatieff for the failure to implement it.

Harper was pressing for the HST because of the damage to Canada' finances caused by reducing the GST by two points. As projections show the HST represents approximately 1.5 points increase in value added taxes, thus making up ¾'s at least. Harper reduced the GST by 2 points, despite the overwhelming number of people in our society whose job it is to know about these things saying it was the wrong thing to do, for purely political gain for himself and the Con's, and Canada be damned. Even Harper's assistant at the time has admitted as much.

When is Harper, Fleherty, Mackay and the other Con's going stop the manipulating, deceiving, distorting, obscuring, obstructing, viciously attacking, defaming and the character assassinations, all at the expense of the good of Canada and all Canadian. Don't hold your breath - I'm sure they wouldn't know how, even if they wanted to.

The biggest things is that these are the guys running our country, and we let them. I hope Ignatieff and the Liberals vote this 'Bill' down in no uncertain terms and let Harper know just were the people of Ontario and BC stand.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html