30 November, 2009

- He who disregards truth and reality inevitably contradicts himself (Confucius said ???) - Con'd Again by Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Van Loan, Kenny, et al. this time on their version of the HST.

History traps Ignatieff on HST issue, Chantal Hébert, 30 Nov.'09

Two years ago, when Harper reduced the GST by 2 points, not only did Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Van Loan, Kenny, and the other Con's say it was good for the economy but since then Harper and his Con's have been saying that this was their great contribution to preparation for the recession and singly saved us from the fate of the US.

Now they are saying that the HST, which will increase the tax by 1.5 points, is the best thing that could happen to our economy.

What Bunk!

We've been Con'd Again by Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Van Loan, Kenny, et al. this time on their version of the HST.

These two positions simply don't add up and manifestly contradict each other.

The problem is that Harper does everything for political reasons and not what is, in reality, best for Canada, Canadians and our future.

He who disregards truth and reality inevitably contradicts himself (Confucius said ???)

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html