22 February, 2010

- Harper - PMO - Prime Modus Operandi

Submitted: 8:50am, PST, 22 Feb.'10 The Hill Times

Cabinet ministers' offices regularly interfere in ATI requests, says Tory staffer, Jeff Davis, 22 Feb.'10
Tab 1

Stephen Harper and the Con's 'P.M.O.' (Prime Modus Operandi) for damage control is never to take the moral high ground - i.e., stand up and take responsibility, but to blame someone else when one of their strategies gives bad results. If they feel that is not working they then run around claiming that the Liberals did the same thing when they were in office. This time it must be a serious issue since they seem to be doing both, at the same time.

Harper and the Con's abuse of Access To Information is on a level never experienced in Canada, not even close, and is part of their general policies of suppression, distortion, obscuration and obstruction. In fact, Harper has implemented this strategy to a level not seen in Western Democracies in recent history. Access to Information is, by necessity, one the first casualties of an extremist, right wing ideologically driven government.

"Ms. Legault said her investigation will be examining whether or not Sec. 67.1 of the Access to Information Act was breached which is an indictable or summary offence. "

Ms. Legualt might look into possible sanctions against counseling, procuring, as well, while she's at it.

"Meanwhile, after seeing Mr. Togneri hung out to dry, the Conservative source told The Hill Times extra caution will be taken not to leave a paper trail.

'I'm a lot more careful now with any conversations I have with my ATIP officer,' the staffer said. "They're all in person now, whereas before I would sometimes send emails.' "

Therein lies the rub.

There is zero chance Harper and the Con's will change their interference with the release of information - they are simply too good at it and it is simply too effective. They will simply become more sophisticated about it.

Perhaps the Civil Service can whistle blow each time the PMO or government staffers interfere in the ATI process, whether verbally or otherwise. After all, isn't that at the heart of the Harper Whistler Blower policies. Not!

The viscous personal attack on Richard Colvin for doing his job by Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and all the Con's, was no accident. It was designed precisely to discourage proper minded Civil Servants from stepping forward - just another part of their general strategy to suppress, distort, obscure, obstruct.

There is only one solution. Give Harper and his gang of Con's the Boot and sooner, rather than later.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html