20 February, 2010

- 'Harper' = 'Hypocrite' - in the Canadian vernacular

Posted: 2/20/2010 1:52:47 PM The Globe and Mail
'An attack on Israel would be considered, an attack on Canada', Steven Chase, February 16, 2010

Doesn't Israel normally have a co-alition government. And, in fact, they have one now.

How can Harper have such unconditional support for Israel, when he is so ideologically opposed to co-alitions and considers them such a violation of the Democratic process.

I would use the 'H' word - hypocrite, not 'Harper' (although they are fast becoming synonymous in Canadian the vernacular).

Oh, sorry, Harper doesn't have to be consistent or even be rational and he certainly wasn't 'elected' Prime Minister for his statesman qualities or by placing the good of Canada ahead of sheer partizan politicking.

Don't tell me we're being Con'd again and Harper is just doing it to pick up some votes, that wouldn't be very statesmanlike.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html