26 February, 2010

- Harper Appointments - You Aint Seen Nothin Yet

Michael Ignatieff objects to Tory choice
for rights-agency chief, Campbell Clark, Feb. 25, 2010
Tab 22

Harper and the Con's are right wing extremist ideologues. Their predecessor Reform and Alliance were,
of course, right wing extremist ideologues. We all know this.

The longer Harper and the Con's are in power the more Canada is transformed into an right wing extremist society, where intolerance reigns supreme.

It's as simple as that, Harper shutting down all the rocket scientists won't prevent Canadians from seeing this for themselves.

Harper has indicated that his strategy is to implement his extremist, right wing ideology and re-make Canada into an extremist, right wing, intolerant society by ignoring our Democratic Institutions disenfranchising the overwhelming majority of Canadians, hamstringing all Institutional supervision and do everything through his Executive powers. One of the prime methods is appointing right wing extremists to every administrative position in sight.

This strategy is insidious since it is taking several year to come to fruition. It is far too blunt to fire everybody and make new, partizan appointments - it would wake Canadians up to what he is doing. So, Harper must combine a shrewdly chosen combination of firings and waiting for opportunities including thru attrition.

The next few years will be vital. The Senate has of course reached that critical point. Another major Canadian Institution that protects our democracy and civil right is the Supreme Court of Canada. The pattern appears to be multiple retirements in relatively short periods of time and we may be coming up to one of these periods in the next year or two. If Iggy is complaining about the Harper and the Con government's appointment to the arms-length agency Rights and Democracy, just wait.

The only solution is to get rid of Harper and the Con's as soon as possible, unless you like an intolerant, extremist, right wing ideologically based society run by the Executive, where Democracy is merely for show.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html