03 January, 2010

- Harper Turning Over a New Leaf??? - Yeh, Right!

Excerpt submitted: 2:17 PST, 3 Jan.10
PM shuts down Parliament until March Tories trying to 'shut down democracy,' Liberal MP Goodale says, December 30, 2009,
tab 821

Harper Proroguing Parliament

Harper turning over a new leaf???

Increasing Transparency? - evidently, Everyone can plainly see why Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Hawn and all the Con's are doing everything they can to bury the Afghan detainee transfer scandal and cover-up.

Fortunately, it's not likely to stop the call for a Judicial Inquiry. I think Louise Arbour would be an excellent choice as Commissioner for an Inquiry into the Afghan detainee transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up. What do you think.

Harper's Viscous Character Attacks? - it appears that Harper is intending to responding to criticism as well without his normal modus operandi of in-your-face, insult and vicious character attack.

Harper's only use of Parliament and its Committees is to viciously attack everyone who gets in his way, with gratuitous insults and character assassinations. By Proroguing Parliament he must be intending to give up his tried and true ways.

Harper's In-Your-Face diplomacy? - Ever since Harper took office he has been seriously criticized for his incredibly inept handling of foreign affairs.

Evidently, by Proroguing Parliament Harper seems to be trying to avoid further International diplomatic disasters for Canada. How would Canada look on the International scene when all the foreign leaders are here for the Winter Olympics and Parliament is exposing Harper and his Ministers for their participation in the Afghan Detainee Transfers and ensuing cover-up. That would certainly be more black marks to Canada's previous sparkling International reputation. Also, how could Harper look these other leaders in the eye in any discussions and be taken seriously with a background of such revelations.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

One big difference between Paul Martin and Harper, aside from Harper's slanderous attacks on Martin and anyone that dares to stand up to him. Martin stood tall, took responsibility, showed leadership, putting the grasping onto, maintaining and grubbing of power, second to the good of the country, and called for an Inquiry into the Sponsorship Scandal. One might say that, yes, but, Martin knew that he, personally, had nothing to worry about when the truth started to emerge.

It would be outrageous if Canadians would have to wait for action outside Canada, on the International level, to learn the truth; and, an incredible catastrophe to Canada and our reputation on the International level, if the Afghan Detainee transfer scandal went to the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

He may be able to Prorogue Parliament. But, Harper can't Prorogue the Hague - those 'For whom the Gavel Falls' - must answer

It seems to me that anyone who strongly supports the military would demand an Inquiry in order to place the blame where it ought to lie; and, I would be very surprised if Canadians, to a person, would not stand up and support our men and women in uniform, if the truth were to be revealed.

Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Hawn and all the Con's have risked putting our men and women in uniform in harm's way by potential exposure to possible war crimes allegations and prosecution at the International Criminal Court in the Hague and even with respect to domestic Canadian law, in regards to the transfer of Afghan detainees to the Afghan authorities; and, the ensuing cover-up and viscous character assassination of anyone who dares to stand up to them is outrageous.

How do you get a seat as an onlooker at the Int'l Criminal Court, anyway. Do they sell tickets? Do you to book in advance? Are there Scalpers? Can you apply to be on the prosecution team? Pro Bono? MacKay, you were Foreign Affairs Minister, would you check that out for me. Thanks.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html