17 December, 2009

- Canada's Inaction to Global Warming - The Devil Made Us Do It

So much Bunkam - So little time - continued - see below.

- Canada's Defense to the 'power of ten' law suits - "the devil made them do it"

The silent majority can no longer be silent, the Pantzopoulos poll is a dire demonstration of this.

For all those out there that do not support Harper, Baird, Prentice and all the Con's stance on Global Warming, my suggestion is to make your opposition as public as possible.

Then, perhaps, when the Third World come 'knocking' for retribution, and they will come 'knocking', our children and our children's children can beseech some kind of exclusion.

I agree that one person can't do much, except, passionately advocate that everyone get together and do all they can. And we must not allow Harper, Baird, Prentice and all the Con's to define "urgency" as "panic","passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'.

"The devil made them do it" defence may even be a defence at the 'Power of Ten Law Suits' - i.e. multi-trillion (or whatever comes after that) dollar law suits at the International Courts

- the 'power of 10' referring to the amounts awarded at the International Courts (i.e they will be expressed in "ten to the power of . . . ") -

when the Third World Countries sue our descendent's for the damage inflicted by our current actions and inactions on Global Warming - using, perhaps, the precedents established by the present era Cigarette law suites (see my previous posting - above). I would think that a precondition to the applicability of such a defence would be to what extent their (our children and our children's children) forefathers (us), on an individual bases stood up and fought.

Posting on the Internet may be a good way to do it, since in 50 years, the 'Web Archaeologists" will be able to "drill down" (to borough a military phrase) to the 2009 level and expose all.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html