12 December, 2009

- Harper, 'Thanks For the Memories' - continued ...continued

At 10:26 am I posted my Comment. (see below)

At 10:33 am Harper-crites posted "Thanks Lloyd. I've added your blog to my bookmarks !!"

sometime after that my Comment was pulled down - vis.:

Moderator's Note: Lloyd Macilquham's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed.

(see Tab 28)

With anoher G&M Article, written by Jane Taber.
see below: - Dear Jane Taber (No. III) . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed

BeenThinkin​g posted "Lloyd MacIlquham - funny thing, just as a experiment I put thumbs up - didn't come up. A thumbs down came in it's place.

This is fishy. "

As I mentioned a few days ago with another of Jane Taber's articles I got over 220 Thumbs Down in about 20 minutes.

What happened to the Media shining light into the dark corners of the Government. The whole point of the exercise is to expose all the nasty little ugliness's that the government is hiding and expose them to the light for all to see. 

If you have no stomach for it, that is not the messenger's fault. That is the fault of the ones who hide the problem in the first place. I won't mention any names . . . ah ah aaaa ... Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan, Nicholson, Toews and all the Con's ... chooo, sorry, sneezed .

I used to have respect for the Globe and Mail.

When I was I kid in grade school I used to get up each morning, except Sunday, of course, around 4 - 5 am, and deliver the paper and was proud to be a G&M paperboy.

Later I used to read it faithfully every day.

My mother wrote many articles for the Globe and Mail over quite a few years and wrote with the utmost integrity. 

I can only say that the Globe and mail has changed much and for the worse. You be the judge.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html