08 December, 2009

- Global Warming - We can't afford to label "urgency" as "panic","passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'

- Global Warming - If There Is More Than a Mere Possibility We Must Act Now (see below) ... continued ...

(unfortuantely posting comments was closed when I read Jerky's comment)

Jerky wrote: "I not sure I understand your panic but man I'll defend to the death your right to be irrational "

We can't afford to label "urgency" as "panic". Nor can we afford to label "passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'.

It may not be urgent for you but that is the exact point. We must take urgent action, not for ourselves, but for our children. It may be irrational to you to have to pay out money now for something that won't affect you, but we made the problem, we are in the position to do something about it before it is too late. Saying that is economically expensive is a mere shirking of our responsibilities.

I agree that one person can't do much, except, passionately advocate that everyone get together and do all they can. Harper motives are manifestly clear and they are not for the good of Canadians, current or future generations. I agree with Goalie, Harper 'fudges the truth" and "slanders" all that would dare to stand up to him. I can only say, give Harper and the Con's the boot.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html