07 December, 2009

Ottawa Notebook, Eco-activists storm the Hill
Jane Taber , December 7, 2009
Tab 4

This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media.

"Dirty Canada" "Corrupt Petro-State"

This is what the International Press is reporting these days about Canada.

And if the proverbial S... hits the International fan regarding the transfer of Afghan prisoners to Afghan authorities, and especially if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006, they will likely have a lot worse things to say about Canada. And, we have nobody but ourselves, or at least those who support Harper, to blame.

What does the Canadian Press say regarding all this negative press against Canada's previously stellar International reputation. They blame Ignatieff and expound the wonders of Harper's 'mastery' of spin.

I won't mention any names, ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo - sorry I sneezed.

One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

It is no wonder that Global Warming activists in Canada feel compelled to climb to the top of the Parliamentary Building to give their message. They have to do something exceptionally astounding in order to catch the attention of the International so they will print their concerns so Candians can read it. Who cares about how good Harper is at spin.

It's pathetic commentary on the Canadian Media when Canadians have to rely on the International Media to get a truth picture and perspective of the damage that Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Flaherty, Baird, and all the Con's are doing to not only our International image, but this great nation of ours.

It is outrageous to think of how our forefathers and mothers expended their blood, sweat and tears to build our nation over many generations and how Harper and his position on Global Warming, his mind boggling budget deficits, which Harper and the Con's are spending as if it were their own, are destroying in a few, not so short, years. God save Canada!

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html