08 August, 2009

- One can only wonder to what extent the media (Rex is simply jumping on the band wagon) is being motivated by the ‘Noldrums [News Doldrums] of Summer

Posted to: Globe and Mail, "For pols, the livin' is never easy", Rex Murphy, 8 Aug.'09

One can only wonder to what extent the media (Rex is simply jumping on the band wagon) is being motivated by the ‘Noldrums [=News Doldrums] of Summer’ in their demand for Ignatieff to make policy statements. Certainly Ignatieff has demonstrated that he feels it is vital to take real steps and real action to stimulate the economy. But, making press releases and statements simply so the news media can “sell papers and air time” is not necessarily in the best interests of this fair nation of ours, or the Liberal Party – both his charges.

Studied consideration of all the important factors to come up with a solution that is for the good of all and not one small sector is the name of the game, especially for Liberals:

“to build a nation where everyone can attain their potential and join together to help those that need help and protect those that need protection; through: informed, open and transparent discussion leading to a truly democratic solution for the good of all (Lloyd MacIlquham)” .

“Striking the right balance between ideals, expectations and consensus is an essential test of leadership” (John Acton). This takes time and reflection.

It seems to me that Ignatieff is taking the requisite time and effort to ensure that the right balance is struck.

Rock on, Iggy.