22 July, 2009

- Rock on Iggie

Posted to: Globe and Mail, “Ignatieff plays fast and loose with liberal creed”, Neil Reynolds, 22 Jul.’09

To me, for any open, free and tolerant society:

The Purpose is:

to build a nation where everyone can attain their potential
and join together to help those that need help and protect those that need protection;
informed, open and transparent discussion leading to a truly democratic solution for the good of all.
(Lloyd MacIlquham)

It seems to me that the Liberal values run along these lines.

However, Harper and the Con's extreme right wing brand of conservatism is very much a sink-or-swim, laisser faire, I'm big-you're small, every one for themselves approach.

Certainly "A liberal's disagreement with conservatives comes down to this: We both seek freedom but liberals believe no one can achieve it alone" captures this essential difference between the Liberal Party and Harper and the Cons’. Rock on Iggie.