15 March, 2009

- When You’re Right – You’re Right!

Comment on:
“Carney hedges economic rebound prediction”

Reading this article one might think that Flaherty is the main driving force in the global economic recovery. Flaherty’s statements are little more than a ‘cheap shot’ for the purpose of grandstanding. There is nothing constructive or informative about it.

Listening to Flaherty, and Harper, one gets the impression that the Canadian Banks being in such good shape is all their doing. Harper and Flaherty, of course, had nothing to do with it. They inherited it from the good management of previous governments, like they did the very healthy Federal Fiscal status. In fact, the laissez-faire, hands off, ‘steady-as-she-goes’ reduction in government interference with the economy, approach, so much a part of Harper’s right wing agenda, overt or covert, is generally accepted as at the foundation of the finacial crises and is one of the main thrusts of the Ecomonic G-20 meeting. Where’s Flaherty’s statement on increasing international regulation of financial institutions.

One need only read the G&M article “Canada's place is on the B list”, 13 Mar.’09, to get a real idea of how Flaherty, Harper and the Con’s are viewed on the Int’l Financial stage as far as them being “movers and shakers”. The British PM doesn’t even consider Flaherty and Harper as important enough for Canada to ‘merit “intensive diplomatic lobbying and engagement” ahead of the [London summit” on April 2]’. The British PM put Flaherty, Harper and the Con government in the same sphere of influence as such international economic policy leaders as: Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico and Argentina. To Gordon Brown: when you’re right – you’re right!

Lloyd MacIlquham