07 February, 2009

- Harper and the Con’s Insidious Neo-Conservative Agenda

My Comment, posted 7 Feb.’09, to “Job losses won't alter stimulus plan, Harper says“

These job loses are extreme, unanticipated and the worst in recorded in recorded history – three time higher than the 40,000 expected; 71,000 in Ontario alone. What is Harper’s response “not blown off tract every time there is some bad news”. If this is your ‘run-of-the-mill’ bad news that does not call for special consideration, then God help us.

That Harper would not do anything to adjust to this new and drastic acceleration in economic worsening is indicative of someone who actions are motivated by something other than protecting Canadian against this economic disaster. He took the same position during the election i.e. ‘steady as she goes’ and his economic update in November was, of course, ridiculously devoid of any action to address this extreme situation. The only way he would do anything was by the Opposition Parties threatening to throw him out of office – Impeachment Canadian style. Fortunately Ignatieff and the Liberals forced Harper and the Cons to include the periodic review of their actions on the economy.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the Harper and the Con’s real agenda may very well be to take advantage of a disaster to implement their extreme right wing extremist agenda. We can only wait to see how bad things must get before Harper feels it is time to act. Unfortunately, it will likely be far too later to do anything about our current situation, surprise, surprise, and the action he takes may by quite shocking to anyone who has grown accustom to our way of life.

Lloyd MacIlquham