05 November, 2009

- When are we going to Roll out the Harper Debunking Vaccine

Posted to:http://www2.macleans.ca/2009/11/04/notes-on-a-non-crisis/#idc-ctools> Notes on a non-crisis, by Andrew Coyne on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Tab 3

Part 1:
"- There is no emergency. The current flu outbreak kills at a fraction of the rate of regular, seasonal flu, which hardly anyone worries about. "

This is a complete misrepresentation, to the extent that one can only wonder if it is deliberately intended. It is the number of deaths that must be looked at and not the rate. If the number of people who get H1N1 is ten times more than the regular flu then a mortality rate of 50% means 5 times more deaths. This is a nation wide EPIDEMIC and in fact has been declared by the World Health Organization as a PANDEMIC. Therefore we can expect that many times more people will contract N1H1 than "normal" - that's why they cal it an EPIDEMIC and not 'the seasonal flu'.

For a timeline of the H1N1 PANDEMIC:http://www.liberal.ca/pdf/docs/031109_h1n1e.pdf

Part 2:

It is also a very sinister form of the flu in that generally the population in Canada has virtually no resistance to it (although they will), in fact it is reported that, essentially only those over 50 have built up a prior resistance. It has also been well documented to attack otherwise health individuals, and in particular our youth. In fact, children 5 and under have been identified as being a high risk group.

For a timeline of the H1N1 PANDEMIC:http://www.liberal.ca/pdf/docs/031109_h1n1e.pdf

Part 3:

To suggest that it is the Liberals fault for contracting the supply of seasonal flu vaccine from one supplier in 2001 is, again, misleading. As pointed out, this is a 2009-2010 EPIDEMIC and not the seasonal flu. Our government has had many months (since it appeared in Mexico with its alarming number of deaths) and there has been a huge publicity campaign by the UN to alert the governments of all countries and their citizens. This cannot be an excuse, nor should we allow it as one.

Harper is the Prime Minster of Canada. This is a Canada wide epidemic. Instead of focusing all his and the Co's efforts and our tax dollars in Con'ing Canadians to identify the stimulus spending with Harper and the Cons and Canada be damned, Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's ought to have been focusing on the H1N1 epidemic and the distribution of the vaccine. Harper has spent scores of millions (100 millions dollars) in Con'ing us, can you imagine how smoothly and quickly the distribution of the H1N1 vaccine would have been if they had spent that money (and there is supposed to be 400 millions available for these purposes) and energy on this national medical emergency.

For a timeline of the H1N1 PANDEMIC:http://www.liberal.ca/pdf/docs/031109_h1n1e.pdf

Lloyd Maclquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Part 3A:

"no worse than garden variety government bungling". To suggest that the way Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's are handling this emergency is acceptable because the government bungles everything else is bazaar.

I only wish that the Fed's in combination with the Provinces and Municipalities would handle collecting taxes in the same fashion as Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's have been handling the H1N1 epidemic. Then, I'm sure, there would be a lot of very happy Canadians. Also, as mentioned this is not "garden variety" circumstances. This is a very serious EPIDEMIC that has a very serious mortality rate - i.e a national medical emergency - the need to collect taxes is not a national emergency, at least in my list of priorities, this is.

It is fascinating to listen to Harper and the Con's explain, still once again, that it is not their fault. To listen to Harper, it is never his fault, it is always someone else's (one would think, just on the probabilities that something would be his fault, after all, no one is perfect)

Part 4:

Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada, this is a Canada-wide epidemic, Harper should stand up, show some backbone, oh, sorry, leadership, and take responsibility. Instead, Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's are pointing to everyone else under the sun and say it's their fault.

The biggest shame is how Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's point to other countries and say, look we are doing better than them. Two things, for a family of someone in Canada who dies from H1N1 when it might have been prevented, it is very little solace to point to some other country and say, well for every one that dies here, two die there. Also, as my pappy used to say: "if Joe Blow down the street is incredibly negligent in his actions and it leads to scores of people dying, does that mean you should be incredibly negligent".

Part 5:

The media also has a responsibility ("social contract") not to re-enforce this "its not my fault" approach to national emergencies by Harper, Aglukkaq and the other Con's. I understand that they want to sell paper's and ... However, my consolance (apparently this is not a word???) is that soon enough the "traditional media" will go the way of the dinosaur and we will be given an opportunity to establish an 'Public Awareness Institution' that is not so self-interested, biased and focused on promoting their own agenda at the expense of all Canadians and this great nation of ours. Unfortunately it will be too late for this crisis.

For a timeline of the H1N1 PANDEMIC:http://www.liberal.ca/pdf/docs/031109_h1n1e.pdf

Lloyd Maclquham cicblog.com/comments.html

PS: why in the world would the host only allow so few words per post then suggest that, if too lon, to break it up into parts???

Part 6:

Just one last thing . . .

When are we going to Roll out the Harper Debunking Vaccine!