23 October, 2009

- Sorry, fly this by me again, why is Canada advertizing the Economic Action Plan

Tories spend $46,000 to turn GO Trains into rolling adsCash would be better spent on H1N1 campaign than on economic plan promotion, critics say, Richard J. Brennan, Ottawa Bureau, Oct 23 2009
tab 3

Whether it's 34 million or 60 million, what Harper, Baird and the Con's should explain is just exactly why is it so important to advertize the Canada's Economic Action Plan at all.

It is very difficult to imagine anyone not aware of it and certainly no one in a position to apply for funds pursuant to it. Perhaps Baird thinks that the mayor of Toronto will see the train go by and say, "Oh, yah, lets apply".

Clearly, the message Harper and the Con's are selling is vote Harper, vote Con. So, in reality, they are converting the $55 billion deficit to the Con Party's use, which means every man, woman and child in Canada is contributing over $1,500 to the Con Party - sounds like an Elections Act violation.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html