14 October, 2009

- Rock On Iggy - It is about time someone stood up and fought Harper and the Con's for the good of all Canadians, for the present and for our future

Liberals won't shift from green in next election, Campbell Clark and John Ibbitson, Oct. 14, 2009
Tab 3

As with the economy and other things, Harper and the Con's strategy regarding the environment is to do nothing, let the chips fall where they may, laissez-faire, sink-or-swim, hide the realities through obstruction and obscuration, distortion and out-right deception and approaching the people on an emotional, fear mongering, irrational basis.

Doing nothing is a fundamental aspect of Harper and the Con's extreme right wing ideology. The obstruction, deception, distortion of the realities is Harper's MO. In combination with doing it for his, and their, own political benefits and Canada be damned is based on the Con's being a new party without the pride and long history of contributing to the building of our nation.

Harper waiting for the US is an excuse and one that can only put us behind and on the receiving side of an benefits that may be derived from the development of a green economy. Harper and the Con's are treating the stimulus money with its ensuing huge deficits that our children and our children's children will be paying for well into the future as if it were theirs and was coming from them and the Con Party.
Their purpose in spending it is solely to promote Harper and the Con's, to buy votes.

This is so pervasive and blatant, one might wonder at what point it would be a violation of the Elections Act - e.g. the max contribution to a party is approx. $1,100, the current Con estimate of the deficit is $55 billion, $1,700 per every man, women and child in Canada. Thus, the Con's treating this as their money amounts to a contribution of $1,700 per every man, women and child in Canada, well above the max contribution to a Political Party allowed by the Elections Act.

It is about time someone stood up and fought Harper and the Con's for the good of all Canadians, for the present and for our future.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html