24 September, 2009

- Lets just give Harper the boot.

post to McLeans, Ian Brodie offers a candid case study in politics and policy
by John Geddes on Friday, March 27, 2009

Ian Brodie, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff, said in Montreal at the annual conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.

“Despite economic evidence to the contrary, in my view the GST cut worked … It worked in the sense that it helped us to win.”

When you combine this with what Tom Flanagan, a former Harper adviser, said about the Harper attack ads on Ignatieff rebuilding the coalition after an election,

“It doesn't have to be true. It just has to be plausible and it strikes me as plausible.”

what do you get . . . The current government.

Is this really what Canada is all about.

Lets just give Harper the boot.