13 April, 2010

- Harper Open - Au contraire mon frere

See below: "Out, damn'd Harper! out, I say!"
Posted: 4/13/2010 10:05:10 AM The Globe and Mail
Tories mum on Guergis allegations, Gloria Galloway, April 12, 2010
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-notebook/tories-mum-on-guergis-allegations/article1531894/Tab 50

Cascadian Ten wrote: 4/13/2010 10:20:36 AM

"Actually, requesting that the RCMP investigate one of your own in the face of corruption is the definition of holding yourself and your party answerable to the Canadian people. Frankly, it's showing greater accountability to Canadians then the Liberal party has shown in decades."

My Reply, posted: 4/13/2010 11:05:36 AM, Tab 51:

Au contraire mon frere, . . .

and don't call me 'Frankly'.

Paul Martin stood tall, took responsibility and call for a full and open judicial inquiry regarding the sponsorship scandal. This was despite the obvious political backlash against the Liberal party and himself as Leader. Many people suggested that he might call in the RCMP to investigate, thereby putting a lid of secrecy over the whole affair and by the time the RCMP had finished investigating it would be 'ancient history'. Martin took the high ground and did what was best for Canada as a nation and not himself and his party.

Harper with the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing cover-up has been doing everything he can to prevent it being brought out into the open. And for good reason, he's screXXX'd if he does.

Now Harper is calling in the RCMP to investigate the Jaffer-Guergis scandal and refusing to disclose anything about why. Again Harper is employing the utmost secrecy. And again, if he were to discuss the truth, you can bet'ya someone high up in the Con's echelons of power will be screXXX'd. Otherwise, what's the point of his secrecy.

One of the most noticeable traits of the Harper administration is that neither he, nor any of the other Con's stands up and takes responsibility for anything. No matter what, it is always someone else's fault, even to the extent of trying to pin the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal on our good men and women in uniform - shame on you Stephen Harper.

Even Harper's die-hard supporters operate in secrecy - now don't they Mr. 'Ten

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html