05 May, 2009

- Harper’s basic strategies is to marginalize Parliament and concentrate all power in his hands.

submitted to the Toronto Star, 5 May'09: '
Election chatter: Don't go there', James Travers, TS, 5 May'09

If the Liberal formed a government Harper would be just as disruptive, divisive, belligerent and disrespectful, if not more so, of the comity of Parliament, a fundamental principle of Westminster democracies, as the was when Martin was PM, when he disrespected its laws, which he himself initiated, by calling an early election last Fall and, when he shirked the will Parliament by suspending it. One need only recall the ‘call-to-arms’ and threat of division that Harper and the Con’s fostered in their build-up to his disbanding of Parliament.

It is clear that one of Harper’s basic strategies is to marginalize Parliament and concentrate all power in his hands. For him Parliament is little more than as a focus group to try out new attack strategies under the cover of Parliamentary privilege. To this end, Harper and the Con’s have developed and implement a propaganda machine the likes of which have not been seen in Western democracies in recent times.

Although we have had a number of elections in close order and another would be painful, in the long run, the sooner we get rid of Harper and his Con’s the better for all Canadians and our way of life.

Lloyd MacIlquham